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Term time Monday evenings.




Westbury-on-Trym Baptist Church,

Reedley Road,





Let’s get organised:


As the choir grew, we felt the need to formalise our structure and so a Constitution and committee were put in place. The committee was strengthened with the appointment of David Richards as our first Chairman.  Part of this constitution was that there was no ownership of the choir by anyone or any body except by the members themselves and all had an equal share.  This made the choir, in theory, totally democratic, with elected committee members.  The elected members were, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Social Secretary, Librarian, plus initially four voice parts.  There was a Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Bass representative.



Their purpose was to act as a link between the voice part membership which they represented and the committee, relaying all information and taking to committee all concerns of the membership.  Later on we also formed a music selection committee.  Here, several members discussed and prepared a list of music suggestions for the main committee to confirm. 


We continued to brand our name locally and improve our singing and enjoyment.  Eventually, we had to address a problem of too much success.  We had grown in the size of membership. Did we want to continue to grow - at any price?  We capped the singing membership at 50 singing members with Paul having a final say if he felt there was an imbalance between the singing parts.

© 2016 created by John Bray for Westbury Singers.

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